Things We Don't Do...

Season #6


Denise Billen-Mejia  

Martin Furber 

This week Denise and Martin decided to talk about things they don’t do in their respective practices. 

There are occasions when potential clients may approach either of them, wanting services they don’t offer, one particular one being Past Life Regression. In this week’s episode, they discuss how they deal with such issues. 

This leads them to discuss the expectations of some clients, and the misconceptions many may have about how hypnosis works and what it is, and is not, capable of. 

As ever, in this weekly transatlantic catch-up between two friends and colleagues, the conversation jumps from subject to subject; it is, after all, just a natural conversation. Denise asks Martin to explain more about the work he does with trans clients who have sought help to deal with mental blocks they may have, in terms of building up confidence to use their voices as part of their transition. 

As always, their aim with this podcast is to help create a better understanding of therapeutic hypnosis and the benefits it offers. So, whether you are a therapist or simply want to know more about this much misunderstood subject, then this is the podcast for you. 


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