[00:00:04] Martin Furber: Okay. So yeah, let's get on with the show, Denise. And Denise, we're welcoming back Eugenia Andrews. Eugenia, lovely to see you.
[00:00:12] Denise Billen-Mejia: Hi. I thought you were going to be in Greece. You stayed in Texas.
[00:00:17] Eugenia Andrews: So, actually, I go back and forth, like I have spent two to three months there and the majority of the time here, but I'm hoping as of spring, like somewhere in May or June to able to move to Greece and Work globally from very, I, I'm working globally right now.
I'm working with like five countries in Europe, Australia, and Canada.
[00:00:47] Denise Billen-Mejia: That's great.
[00:00:48] Eugenia Andrews: So semi globally, not quite. Yeah.
[00:00:50] Denise Billen-Mejia: So all those, all those hypnotists watching the channel can see, see, there's people who work internationally. How long did it, how long did it take you to really establish your business, do you think?
[00:01:02] Eugenia Andrews: Actually, believe it or not, my business took off. in huge ways during the pandemic. And I have been doing Skype since 2009 because I was working with clients in Greece and Greek clients who lived in the U S I mean, in the UK and Amsterdam or Holland, Germany. But then during the pandemic, it seemed like people started finding me.
It was just It's a very amazing, incredible thing that I just couldn't believe it.
[00:01:38] Denise Billen-Mejia: Congratulations.
[00:01:39] Eugenia Andrews: Yes. Yes. And it has continued. That's the good news. You know, it has taken different phases and stages. I can stand on different stages, but it has continued in a very nice way. I'm very happy.
[00:01:53] Denise Billen-Mejia: That's good. How many hours a week do you think you spend seeing patients because there's all these other things that you have to do as well to support them, but how much face to face time do you think you have?
[00:02:03] Eugenia Andrews: I see about about 10 to maybe 15 clients a week. I do not want to see more. I do some programs in Greece, in English and Greek including one about abundance. Manifesting and finding success in your practice for hypnotherapist, counselors and healers. I've been doing that in Greek right now.
[00:02:28] Denise Billen-Mejia: We'll make sure that we add that to the show notes so people can come and listen to you speaking Greek
[00:02:34] Eugenia Andrews: in English. Yes. And so, we have my, another friend of mine we're partners in a life coach in a hypnosis school in Greece, in Athens. Mm-Hmm. . So, we have, I have that and I do programs online for that.
So I don't want to I want to keep the individual clients to 10, between 10 and 15.
[00:02:56] Denise Billen-Mejia: Right. Manageable
[00:02:57] Eugenia Andrews: otherwise. I want to avoid burnout because I've done it in the past as a psychotherapist. And after I got my doctorate, I worked a lot in hospitals and you know, as a psychologist and psychotherapist, and I, I got burned out.
That's why I moved completely into hypnotherapy and life and business coaching. And I have specialized now in mindset and abundance and manifesting. So, and I love to, I love this. And I want to
[00:03:27] Martin Furber: tell us more about this, Eugenia, it sounds fascinating. Tell us some more about it.
[00:03:33] Denise Billen-Mejia: Abundance.
[00:03:34] Eugenia Andrews: So, you know, I always tuned into abundance and it was Abraham Hicks who actually lived in San Antonio with his wife.
I had attended a training many years ago because I go back a long way. I started in the eighties. So, and early eighties, actually, I, and I, I thought this, this is amazing. You know how you can manifest your desires and things that you like and you want and you need in your life and your dreams, basically.
And so I started tapping into it and I actually remember my first presentation. It was at the Rotary Club here in Texas. And it was in 2005 that I did a presentation of how to manifest your dreams and find your own abundance. And I'm thinking, wow, I started early. And so, but I kind of moved a little bit away from that idea for myself.
I was putting it to work for other people. And training people and talking with therapists in my private practice and hypnotherapist as well, but also with my clients about it and how to visualize and how to turn those negative beliefs, those limiting beliefs to delete them and download a new program of positive beliefs.
But I was not putting it to work myself as I should have. But during the pandemic, something kicked in. It's just amazing, you know, when the right time comes for people, the right things take place. And then I realized that. I'm already into abundance and I can do this forever as long as I have my health, which also, you know, goes into abundance because if you believe that you are going to have good health and you take care of your health, of course, and I do so, then you You have abundance in that also.
Abundance covers a lot of things. It covers health, it covers relationships, love it covers
[00:05:50] Denise Billen-Mejia: Oh, one could say all of those, all of those things also come under health because it's happening in this world.
[00:05:57] Eugenia Andrews: If you don't have your health, you have nothing. You know, you can have all the money in the world, but you know, if you're not healthy, you can't spend it and you can't, you know, Make it work for you and give you joy.
So yeah, and that's when I started finally really integrating that into my soul and my heart and have been working with that. And I think I believe that the reason that I, my business my hypnotherapy and coaching business has really taken off and there's a lot of room for more. Thank you. I'm not going to say that.
[00:06:35] Denise Billen-Mejia: Right, but you can take it, you can take it the way you want to. I think it's wonderful that you're able to take your business to Greece. Also, any, any listeners who've been thinking, oh yeah, I get people who say to me, oh, but there are no hypnotists in my language. And it takes me about a half an hour to track one down.
It's, really around the world.
[00:06:55] Eugenia Andrews: Exactly, exactly. And there is a big kind of trend, or it's beyond trend, actually. It's a movement in Europe, and especially in Greece. The other day, Bruce Limpton was in Greece. Who knew? Is that amazing? Bruce Limpton and I see pictures of my colleague and other people and I say, what's happening?
Bruce Limpton is in Athens. They said, yes, you know, pictures with him. So it's, it's amazing. And they do brain spotting and new kind of therapy for trauma, which I'm training myself right now. And it just has been an interesting, yeah, there is a, there's a big movement. People want to find healing. They want to find joy.
They want to discover their truth.
[00:07:44] Martin Furber: Don't forget, Eugenia, the word hypnosis comes from Greek hypnosis. . . That's right.
[00:07:50] Eugenia Andrews: Yeah. yp. Yeah. Hypnosis means sleep, actually. Yeah. Yeah. And we say hypnosi, you know, here we say hypnosis. In Greek it's hypnosi.
Yeah. Mm-Hmm. . So, yeah, it's, it's been a wonderful journey and now I decided. About a few months ago to put it to work also with therapies, hypnotherapists and healers. I also, I'm tapping into, and I go through LinkedIn for that to women who want to manifest a life work balance, women over 50 who want to manifest a life work balance and to do things without anxiety.
I think that's what this. Success doesn't mean anything in my book, if I'm anxious, Trying to get it. You know.
[00:08:47] Denise Billen-Mejia: Or just waiting for somebody to snatch it away from you. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. And when you, when you make this wonderful move to sunny Greece, are you planning on, are you going to be fixed in a particular town or are you going to be moving around?
You haven't been home for a while.
[00:09:03] Eugenia Andrews: Yes. So, the time zones are a bit tricky. So, I mean, like now you can change your time change, but we didn't here in Texas, you know, but the change in Europe, we will this weekend.
[00:09:21] Denise Billen-Mejia: It poses an issue for Martin and I figuring out what hour it is.
[00:09:25] Eugenia Andrews: That's right, because you're in the US Denise, that's right.
Yeah. Yeah, it is a bit tricky with my American clients. But they are willing and they had been willing when I was there to see me like maybe in the morning after they do their workout and before they go to work or to see me during lunch. So, and in Greece, it's only it's eight hours with Texas, but seven hours with New York and I do have clients from Vermont and New York as well.
But also, you know, the sky is the limit. There are many thousands, millions of people in Europe and other places. And you know, with my Australian clients from Melbourne, there are a lot of Greeks in Melbourne. I don't have It's not a big issue. You know, it's we have 15 hours difference here, but it will be a little different in Greece.
But I'm not planning to do, you know, to stay up until one or two o'clock in the morning and see American clients.
[00:10:27] Martin Furber: It's a global village, Eugenia. A global village.
[00:10:30] Denise Billen-Mejia: Yes, it is.
And because, a hideous way for us to learn, but because of the pandemic people became so used to meeting with their doctors and their therapists and just about everybody in their lives through this little camera.
[00:10:45] Eugenia Andrews: Exactly. So useful. Yeah. Yeah. I have grandparents who FaceTime their grandchildren every day, from Greece to the U. S. and Canada. So yes, and, you know, talking about abundance some of the I kind of came up with six steps, and a lot of people may already have tapped into them in one way or another.
But those for me work, and they work for my clients and for my colleagues that I work with. Here in the office, for example, there are several therapists, and I share this office with another therapist. initially they started referring me for a piece of doing some work. Mm-hmm. of transformation for like four to six sessions.
The clients, and they have seen such incredible results that they now have become my clients. One of them, we go back years ago we worked at a hospital together. So, and one thing that I found, first of all, is to tap into your self awareness, to kind of know who you are begin to explore your values, discover your principles what is important for you what does significance means to you?
Because we talk about importance a lot, but we don't talk about significance. And I have come to realize that significance is a more pointed, Kind of word. It has more depth to it. Because everybody wants to be significant, I think, but not everybody wants to be important.
[00:12:24] Denise Billen-Mejia: Yeah, you can be significant to several people without, yeah, without being so important.
Is there a specific aspect of your work that you would like to showcase right now? Because we do have limited time, but we've got probably another half hour. Sure.
[00:12:39] Eugenia Andrews: What I do is I'm going to go through those six steps if you allow me,
so the first is tapping into your self awareness. And the second is that you want to let go of limiting beliefs and kind of delete those and download the beliefs that really. You won't want to have the limiting beliefs that they come from our parents about money about success from teachers, even from the church for that matter, and other relatives.
And the third is to set a clear vision to really clarify within yourself what is that you want to accomplish in your life and what are three things that are important to you and I take the coaching wheel, of course. I take health, wealth, relationships, and when we talk about wealth, we mean prosperity as well.
And because prosperity means it's a mindset and that's what exactly I specialize in helping people to shift their mindset from negative to positive. From I can't to I can. So from negative to positive. So setting a clear vision with achievable goals and specific goals. You know, when I say achievable, sometimes in coaching, I see someone who says I want to make a million dollars this year.
Well, if they're making 50 right now, you know, or even 60, A million dollars is not going to come in a year unless they they win the lottery. So I tell him what would be something closer between the million and
[00:14:23] Denise Billen-Mejia: double, double what you're making now and double what you're making.
[00:14:26] Eugenia Andrews: So we talk about a hundred thousand, you know, that's a lot more doable. And so then the other thing, the third step is visualize your success. You have to be really diligent about taking time. Every day, ideally 15 minutes. It doesn't need to be much and long to visualize what is that you want. Let's say you want a house by the lake, you know, that's a big thing here in Texas, or they want you want to travel.
So you imagine the country you want to be the city you want to be. Imagine what you are eating, what you are doing, people that you are meeting, make it real to the feelings. Associated that concept in your visualization with a feeling that you feel that moment. The joy, the enthusiasm, and the gratitude about having this experience.
And I'm getting goosebumps as I'm telling you that because I've done that. It's so, isn't that amazing how
[00:15:28] Denise Billen-Mejia: Is that how you managed to move back to Greece? To organize that.
[00:15:31] Eugenia Andrews: That's right. Exactly. And the other, which I always thought that it would be impossible because, you know, in our minds, we say, who leaves America to go back to Greece, you know, so, but yet, you know, it's possible.
And while Greece has a lot of imperfections. The lifestyle, I can't beat it. So, people put people first before work and money. And that is a great thing that I have learned. So, and I'm practicing. So, the other thing that I want to mention, that was the fourth step.
The fifth step is you want to Do your positive affirmations, and I do have some positive affirmations. I use, for example, one is I have an abundant mindset. I achieve whatever I set my mind to. I believe in myself because I think everything comes from self belief.
[00:16:37] Denise Billen-Mejia: Absolutely.
[00:16:38] Eugenia Andrews: Or self doubt, you know.
Success comes from self belief and happiness, and lack of it comes from self doubt. And the sixth step is to constantly be aware and challenge our limiting beliefs, but also be aware of our mindset. Be willing to have an open mindset, not to be closed. Be willing to be curious.
Curiosity to me is a big plus to practice in our lives. Be willing to be curious, and it has gotten me that far now so, and be willing to be open to other people's ideas. And even though you may disagree, You never know if you listen a bit more closely.
[00:17:29] Denise Billen-Mejia: Some aspect of it.
[00:17:30] Eugenia Andrews: Keeping it inside you, exactly.
So, another wonderful affirmation that has helped me is, I have everything I need to be successful, or to be healthy, or to be happy. You know,
[00:17:48] Denise Billen-Mejia: there's that surrounding yourself with the similar minded people.
[00:17:53] Eugenia Andrews: Exactly. Most of all in manifesting, what we, what's helpful to do is have your dream, have these six steps in mind, do your affirmations every day.
At the same time, do it without anxiety and stress, and the word here, the key word is surrender. To surrender. Surrender to the universe, to God, surrender to the, to results. Yes. Don't try to engineer it.
[00:18:26] Denise Billen-Mejia: Exactly. Don't, don't worry about how it's showing up.
[00:18:29] Eugenia Andrews: Yeah, exactly.
[00:18:31] Martin Furber: Eugenia, so is this a part of a group program thing you do, or is this, you're seeing individual coaching clients for this process?
[00:18:39] Eugenia Andrews: No, , I have developed a program now. So it's a three month program and it can go to six months or a year. And what hypnosis, I do employ hypnosis, I do use hypnosis, of course. Because hypnosis is a marvelous tool. It rewires that subconscious mind and helps us empowers us to let go of the limiting beliefs.
[00:19:04] Denise Billen-Mejia: Do you have set start times for this three month course or is it rolling admission?
[00:19:09] Eugenia Andrews: It is, it involves some individual coaching and also group coaching and email support. Mm hmm.
[00:19:19] Denise Billen-Mejia: Is it, does it start at a specific time in the year or is it rolling admission?
[00:19:24] Eugenia Andrews: Oh, I'm sorry, Denise, I realize it really doesn't actually because the coaching calls They can continue and then they I have them in my library, you know, so people can go and listen to them and watch them.
But and there is also an individual, there are two individual sessions a month, and then the coaching calls are weekly. So in the email or text. Sometimes I do text support as well, but I do email support and that it depends which program you have and that kind of thing. I keep it simple, because You know, for everybody's sake, for my sake, for my client's sake, for colleagues sake. So it's it's important to keep things simple and not overcomplicate things. So, and and you are doing a great job, both of you, and I admire a lot.
[00:20:22] Denise Billen-Mejia: What you've been having fun. That's the point
[00:20:26] Eugenia Andrews: you're doing the podcast.
[00:20:27] Denise Billen-Mejia: This is our third year. Yes, just started
[00:20:30] Eugenia Andrews: my goodness that it's amazing. I have not gotten brave enough to do my podcast, perhaps in the near future. I've been taking tips from you guys.
[00:20:40] Denise Billen-Mejia: Yeah, I can't, I mean, it really is surprising how easy it is, just technically, to produce a podcast. There's so much help online these days.
[00:20:50] Eugenia Andrews: It is easy when you do it.
[00:20:51] Denise Billen-Mejia: Yes, yes. Yeah. It's like, oh, it's 12 o'clock, get on the camera. Yes. It also helps to have a partner. It is. I I have a solo one as well that I do with doctors.
I interview doctors. I find that much harder work. Not when I'm actually in the process but just the finding somebody in the sort of I haven't got anybody to rev myself up with. It's about time to do another episode. Do you have anything?
[00:21:18] Martin Furber: Oh yeah, you've got to refine and improve. We sat down and had a good head to head and said, yeah, let's get a few in the can first because, you know, life happens. We get unexpected events, don't we all? Our guests do.
[00:21:31] Denise Billen-Mejia: And we're getting into the busy social season.
[00:21:34] Eugenia Andrews: over the Atlantic and Denise is over this way.
And I was in Vermont two weeks ago and I had the ball. And it's beautiful state foliage, but I certainly miss the UK. I would love to visit again and stay there for a while. Like. Rent an Airbnb and stay .
[00:21:52] Martin Furber: Oh, you talking about Greece? I want to go to Greece now. I love it over there. I've been to the islands Samos, Corfu Zante Rhodes, and everywhere you go, everybody has the same attitude.
No problem. No problem. No problem. Very relaxed. Everybody's chilled.
[00:22:12] Eugenia Andrews: Things get done, even though they may happen slowly. And one thing about manifesting in abundance, I must tell you what I discovered because I was the world's biggest procrastinator and I still come into small bouts with it. And then I kind of wake up myself is decision or desire means nothing.
If you don't take action. Yeah. So in abundance is. Vision, plan, vision, desire. Plan. Action. Right.
[00:22:50] Denise Billen-Mejia: That's exactly why I explain to my why I explain to my clients. I can't give you a guarantee because I can't control what you are doing. It's a very, you know, yes, most of the hypnosis is on the hypnotist but they have to be Playing the same game.
[00:23:05] Martin Furber: If someone sees me for procrastination, there's a line I always sneak in there. And that is even people who hesitate, never hesitate to hesitate.
[00:23:16] Eugenia Andrews: Oh, I love that. Please text it to me. I don't want to forget. That would be wonderful if you can text it. I love it. Yes, it's similar to you don't know what you don't know what you don't know that, you know, kind of thing. I love it. Yeah, procrastination, I think is the killer of success in every area of our lives. And because I've lived it and I have definitely lived it a lot, I can see the missed opportunities that I experienced.
And so now I go ahead, like when Martin says, would you come to the podcast? Yes, right now, I can talk about what you would you like to talk this one. And I even texted to him on Messenger or Facebook. Because if I put it later to make it perfect, it might never happen.
[00:24:11] Denise Billen-Mejia: Perfection is definitely the enemy.
[00:24:15] Martin Furber: Have you found, Eugenia, with this coaching for hypnotherapists, have you found you've been helping people who are having imposter syndrome?
[00:24:24] Eugenia Andrews: Yes, absolutely. And also, the imperfect, being imperfect, taking imperfect action, it doesn't matter if you're imperfect or not, what matters is that you got to take action, let it be imperfect and let it be now.
Do not put it off. until it's ready. I have been reading an article lately and the title is you're never ready.
[00:24:47] Denise Billen-Mejia: Yeah. No, you're not.
[00:24:49] Eugenia Andrews: I think there might be a book about that. Do it. You're never ready. And in fact, I listened to a TEDx the other day that says, do the thing, do that thing.
[00:25:01] Denise Billen-Mejia: Yes. Although I do think that part of the problem we have as, as well is we tend to overschedule ourselves.
We need to set limits on. No, it's not really limiting. It's just a lot. There's only 24 hours in the day. You can't use 23 of them on building your hypnosis business. You have to have time to sleep. You have to have time to prepare healthy foods. You have to have time just to enjoy people.
[00:25:31] Eugenia Andrews: And totally, Denise, and I I go to the gym five days a week and I couldn't do without it because it gives me the strength and it reinforces my own inner desire to get the, to be the best version of myself.
And that's what I think that's my purpose in life to, to make an impact on other people's lives and to be the best by being also the best version of myself. And, you know, I, I, I do meal prep and not a lot. Usually on Sunday afternoon, I do my meal prep for the week. And one thing for sure is you can't have success and abundance if you don't create some kind of structure and a plan for yourself.
Yes. You have to have that and not to not to expect things to happen by themselves. They won't happen. No. You have to make them happen.
[00:26:28] Denise Billen-Mejia: But you have to be prepared to accept whatever gifts come your way. Exactly. Whether it's time and you an extra sixteenth client. You know, whatever it is, you have to be able to be flexible.
Unless you've rested, you can't be flexible.
[00:26:47] Eugenia Andrews: And, you know, and 15 is a lot. I said, Yeah, that's my ultimate, because I also read I do research. You know, I want to, I explore my own curiosity and learning. I read other people's books, articles, I look at other people's work.
And right now I'm doing a research project with my colleague in Greece. about abundance and money in Greece because it has been an off the table subject. Greek people don't talk about money. It was, it's considered a no no.
[00:27:26] Denise Billen-Mejia: It wasn't very long ago. It was causing a real big problem in the Euro bloc.
[00:27:31] Eugenia Andrews: Yes, but you never, when you meet somebody here, you might even ask where do you work?
The money that comes up in the money discussion in Europe has been a no no. It's a, it's not good manners, but now we're breaking that ceiling now. We're finally breaking that ceiling and talking about abundance and about prosperity
[00:27:54] Denise Billen-Mejia: we need to redefine that. That doesn't mean having a big house.
Paying taxes.
[00:28:01] Eugenia Andrews: Exactly. Yes. Yes. Yes. Money is empowering and money is freedom. Abundance is freedom. Prosperity is freedom. It's freedom to do the things you want to do, but also to help other people with an open heart, without thinking, can I afford this? Before I gift my parents that, you know, like I was able to help my elderly parents, for example, and and my mother.
So, you know, it, it does give you freedom. It's, it's not the money itself. It's what it does for us. It's a tool. Exactly. Yes. Fantastic. Eugenia, can you believe it?
We've filled up the episode. Have you got any words for our viewers and listeners? I know. Is there anything you'd like to say to our viewers and listeners before we wrap it up?
Well, for anybody who is listening and who might be interested in learning more about my mindset abundance program I would like to say that I will offer 15 percent off.
[00:29:09] Denise Billen-Mejia: Oh, wow. And Very nice. Thank you.
[00:29:13] Eugenia Andrews: 15% off. And also we're building a new website right now, but you can get some idea from the website that's on, which is Dr. Andrews They can also find me on Facebook as Virginia Andrews, PhD. And I am I'm on LinkedIn
[00:29:33] Denise Billen-Mejia: we know how to find you. So we'll have that there. But the program and to offer a discount, that's wonderful.
[00:29:40] Martin Furber: That's very kind of you. We'll put that in the show notes.
[00:29:43] Denise Billen-Mejia: Is there a code you want attached to that? Oh, a word.
[00:29:50] Eugenia Andrews: So the word, the word is do it abundance.
[00:29:54] Martin Furber: Okay. Eugenia, thank you so much for coming on.
It's been great to see you again.
[00:30:03] Eugenia Andrews: I appreciate the invitation. I'm very honored that you invited me. Thank you so much. It was fun. Thank you.